A visitor to this blog recently posted: "Mark, you must not be too utilitarian. There has got to be fun!" on my writing about cycling. I couldn't agree more - so here it is, my 5th reason for loving cycling in London - it's fun! Lots and lots of fun! Want proof? Riding recently down Blackheath Hill to Greenwich there was no traffic around - it was about 2AM and the streets were deserted. Having laboured all the way to the top of the hill it was immensely satisying to turn around, face up into the wind, and start cycling down hill again. That mixture of fear, fun and liberation is intoxicating, coupled with the whirr and hum of a bicycle at speed- every time I get it it's like I am 5 years old again. I can't help it, but I find myself going "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!".
When was the last time the Tube or the number 8 to Bow Church made you do that?!!
- ibikelondon
Rehabilitating the bicycle!
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i b i k e l o n d o n

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I don't know about cycling in London as I've never been there. But hey, so far cycling has been fun everywhere I got the chance to do it :). Totally agree. I like to compete with the weather too sometimes (I usually win :)).
That's my top reason for cycling - fun :)
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