Name and age?
Rita, and I'm 29.
Where do you live / ride?
I live in Mile End and cycle to work, which is in Hoxton Square, and to school which is in Elephant and Castle. The ride to work is easy, but going round the Elephant and Castle roundabout isn't - I don't like it, but I do it anyway!
What do you ride?
It's an old BSA in light blue - I call her my Esmerelda.
How often do you ride?
Every day!
Helmet or no helmet?
No, no helmet.
What's your primary reason for cycling?
It's my means of transport. That, and I like it a lot.
Least favourite aspect of cycling?
The rain and the cold sometimes get a bit too much. It's not nice turning up at work all wet, but sometimes you just have to.
Most favourite aspect of cycling?
The wind in my face and the freedom to go fast.
What advice would you give to an aspiring cyclist thinking of cycling in London for the first time?
Be very attentive, and never go off your line of direction without looking back and checking over your shoulder first. Just pay attention and you'll be fine. Oh, and carry your A to Z with you, always carry your A to Z with you!
What could be done to improve the lot of the London cyclist?
More good quality cycle lanes like they have in Europe would be nice.
- ibikelondon
Rehabilitating the bicycle!
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i b i k e l o n d o n

- A View from the cycle path (The Netherlands)
- Amsterdamize (The Netherlands)
- As Easy As Riding a Bike (U.K)
- At War With The Motorist (U.K)
- Auckland Cycle Chic (New Zealand)
- Bicivilzados (Argentina / Spain)
- Bicycle Dutch (Cycling videos from the Netherlands)
- Change your life & ride a bike (U.S.A)
- Copenhagen Cycle Chic (Denmark)
- Copenhagenize (Denmark)
- Crap Cycling & Walking in Waltham Forest (London, UK)
- Cycalogical (Merton, London, UK)
- Cycle Gaz Croydon (U.K)
- Cycling Embassy of Denmark
- Cycling Embassy of Great Britain
- Cycling Embassy of the Netherlands
- Cycling Intelligence (U.K)
- Cyclists in the City (of London, UK)
- Do The Right Thing (U.K)
- EcoVelo (U.S.A)
- Freedom Cyclist (helmet free Australia)
- Kennington People on Bikes (London, UK)
- Let's go ride a bike! (U.S.A)
- Lisbon Cycle Chic (Portugal)
- Lo Fidelity Bicycle Club (U.K)
- London 5 day weather forecast from the BBC (U.K)
- London Cycle Chic (U.K)
- London Cycling Campaign (U.K)
- London Cyclist (U.K)
- London Fixed Gear & Single Speed Forum
- Pedestrianise London (U.K)
- People Powered (Germany)
- Portlandize (U.S.A)
- Real Cycling (U.K)
- Road CC (U.K)
- Road Danger Reduction Forum (UK)
- Simply Bike (U.S.A)
- Sit Up Cycle (Australia)
- Sportive Cycling - everything you wanted to know about road cycling but were too afraif to ask...
- The Bike Show (U.K)
- The Cycling Silk (U.K)
- The Guardian Bike Blog (U.K)
- The Vole O'Speed (U.K)
- Two Wheels Good (U.K)
- UK Cycle Rules (legal points for bikes, U.K)
- VeLo Loves the City (U.K)
- Yehuda Moon (bicycle comic, U.S.A)
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