Longing for spring...

I was thumbing through my photos on Flickr and came across some pictures from last autumn which I'd not uploaded here and had forgotten about.  They were taken on the 1st of October last year - surely the most extraordinary start to autumn; the sun shone, the temperature climbed to thirty degrees and London was out in its shorts and t-shirts bathing in the parks.  It all seems like a long time ago already!

Deck chairs by bike


Bikes can be just as cool as a place to hang out as they are to ride


This winter its been really fantastic to see so many people sticking with riding throughout the colder and darker months, and whilst I love winter and the atmosphere of the illuminated streets and the sharp fresh air, I'm starting to pine for the return of spring and summer again.  Bring on the sunshine!


GreenComotion said...

Hope you get what you are wishing for soon.

For me, sunshine is more important than how cold it is. I get really bummed out if I don't see the sun for a long time.

Before you know it, Spring will be in your neck of the woods.

I think it is here in our fair city, already.

Paz :)

Mo said...

And more bike lanes and super highways.

Andy in Germany said...

Actually, it's ironic that this is straight after the last post: BIDs are the exact opposite of this way of life.