101 reasons to love cycling in London #10 - seeing things

Not all the reasons for loving cycling have to be about doing good or being healthy or worrying about the environment.  One of my most favourite reasons for cycling is that you actually SEE things.  If you drive to work it's sadly all too easy to only be outside as you hurry from your front door to your car, and from your car to your office and not really notice anything inbetween.

Out on your bike you feel the wind, feel the sun and feel the rain (and goodness haven't we had plenty of that recently)  You tend to notice small details - the turn of the leaves on the trees, or what people are wearing out and about this season.  And of course, it's also a great way to go site-seeing.

This morning I noticed this rather splendid addition to a front door step in Mayfair.  Had I been in a car or on the Tube I'm quite certain I'd have missed it.  It certainly raised a smile as I cycled by.

Topiary dogs peeing on doors?  It's just another wonderful reason to love cycling in London!!


Mari Lynch said...

Amen! It's embarrassing to admit that I'd never met a magnificent 95 yr old neighbor who lives just a couple miles from me until I started bicycling home from the farmers mkt and passed her house. See "We're All Heroes on This Bus" for my Monterey, California take--much like your perspective from London. We're cycling together, albeit from a distance. :)
--Mari Lynch, http://www.bicyclingmonterey.com

ibikelondon said...

Welcome Mari and thanks for your comments - great post about your neighbour - it's true you just feel so much more out and about in your own community by foot and on a bike, and any palpable sense of raised community spirit has to be a good thing in this day and age.

Great to hear about cycling in California and good to know we're out and about all over the world.

anna said...

True indeed. Unfortunately I cannot relax everywhere in traffic, sometimes I'm just too busy to watch everybody else. But it's certainly true that I see more things on a bike then by taking public transport. Lovely way to explore the city.

Reminds me of the German Radlust campaign. They are on about the very same thing.

Judy Hembrow said...

So true, I love cycling around and seeing the things I would miss if I were driving. I recently took some lovely photos of toadstool and roses still in bloom, David and the children think I'm daft but I enjoy it.